Other Therapies
I carry out a range of other therapies, in addition to colonic irrigation including Indiba treatments, food intolerance testing, Reflexology and Far Infrared sauna treatments. Find out more about the various other therapies I offer below, including their benefits. Alternatively, if you have any questions or would like to book an appointment, please get in touch.

Food intolerance testing
The Food Intolerance test detects food specific IgG antibodies to 59 common food types.
Food intolerance may produce a variety of symptoms such as bloating after eating, poor skin,an upset digestive system, irritable bowel syndrome, eczema,arthritis and much more.
When I carry out a food intolerance test, you will receive your test results quickly. If you test positive to any of the food groups, then you can remove them from your diet for just a few months before gradually re-introducing them, to start seeing the health benefits.

Far infrared sauna
The benefits of Far FI sauna treatments include weight control and cellulite reduction, strengthening the cardiovascular and immune system, improving circulation, detoxification, pain relief and deep relaxation. The Far Infrared sauna is one of the best ways to get rid of toxins, including stored heavy metals, PCBs, mercury and pesticide residues. These toxins are excreted in high quantities in the sweat during properly conducted hyperthermic therapy sessions.
An average person can also burn up about 600 kcals during 30 mins in the sauna with no adverse effects. Unlike traditional saunas or steam baths, which can often leave a person feeling exhausted, one of the far infrared sauna benefits is it energises and relaxes you, as the air temperature remains much lower than in a traditional sauna.

This is used in a range of treatment applications. The Indiba treatment system is part of a range of regenerative radio frequency equipment developed and patented by INDIBA which uses high frequency currents to raise the internal temperature of human tissue (deep diathermy) and is used for a wide range of therapeutic applications. Please enquire for more information.

Promoting a reduction in anxiety and stress; my reflexology sessions target pressure points in your feet, that correspond to your organs and other body parts. With many other benefits, such as pain reduction, a boost in circulation, and a deep feeling of relaxation; reflexology can really help to increase your overall wellbeing.

Find out more about my colonic treatments, or discover the other natural therapies I offer.
Alternatively, if you have any questions or would like to book an appointment, call today on 0161 624 1804 / 07837 855003