Colonic irrigation prices
At Colonics Detox, we offer a range of treatments. Browse our colonic prices below, find out more about colonic irrigation, or get in touch to book an appointment.
Treatment | Price | Recommendations |
Colonic Hydrotherapy and Nutritional Advice | £69.00 (First treatment) | Includes a colonic treatment, consultation, and recommendations for optimal results |
Colonic Hydrotherapy and Nutritional Advice | £67.00 (follow up treatments if within 2 years of the first treatment) | Treatments booked individually after the first treatment |
Detox Package – 3 Colonic Hydrotherapy Treatments and Nutrional Advice | £199.00 | Must be taken within 2 month. Ideal for people who have had colonic treatments before and who suffer with constipation, diarrhoea, IBS, bloating, Candida, and parasites. Also a great programme for those who are wanting to support their fitness or weight loss programme. |
Special Offer Bring a Friend or Partner | £67 each, £134 for two (for a first treatment) | Bring a friend or partner along for a colonic and pay only £67 each first treatment. |
The Ultimate Cleanse | £75 First appointment, £70 follow up | Includes a colonic treatment and a coffee enema. Coffee stimulates enhanced release of toxins from the liver and the bowel to give a deeper cleanse and an energy boost. £205 for a course of 3 colonic treatments with coffee enema. Must be taken within 2 month. |
Probiotic Implants | plus £20 | A colonic treatment followed by a probiotic implant containing 28 billion live bacteria which may help with gas, yeast overgrowth, or following a course of antibiotics. |
Reflexology | £49 | Reflexology works by bringing the body back to homeostasis or balance. Reflexology is designed to help you achieve and maintain optimum health. 40 minute treatment. |
Food Intolerance testing | 208 foods tested £140 | Food intolerance can produce a variety of symptoms such as bloating after eating, poor skin health or an upset digestive system, irritable bowel syndrome, eczema and arthritis. |
Far Infrared sauna or Cocoon | £40 for 40 minutes | The far Infrared sauna is one of the best ways to get rid of toxins including stored heavy metals, PCBs, mercury and pesticide residues. Other benefits of FIR treatments include weight control and cellulite reduction, strengthening the cardiovascular and immune system, improving circulation, detoxification, pain relief and deep relaxation. |
Course of 3 FIR treatments | £110 for 3 x 40 minutes | A course of treatments is a great way to cleanse more thoroughly and effectively. Treatments must be taken within 4 weeks. |
Indiba treatments | £65 for 1 area treated or £90 for 2 areas in 1 treatment | Indiba treatments have a deeply regenerating effect and give your skin and body new life. Treatments encourage new cell regeneration, helps to break down fat cells, reshape, firm and tone whilst encouraging oxygenation and moisturisation. This helps to lift and tightening the skin. Areas treated face, stomach, saddle bags, upper arms, cellulite. |
Course of 6 Indiba treatments | £325 for 1 area or £430 for 2 areas in 1 treatment | Book for 6 treatments and receive one treatment free. |
Find out more about my colonic treatments, or discover the other natural therapies I offer.
Alternatively, if you have any questions or would like to book an appointment, call today on 0161 624 1804 / 07837 855003