Colonic Irrigation FAQs
What is a colon?
The colon, or large intestine, is the end portion of the human digestive tract (food carrying passageway extending from the mouth to the anus). The colon is approximately 5 feet long and 2 1/2 inches in diameter. Its major functions are to eliminate waste and to conserve water. There are bacteria living in the colon which synthesise valuable nutrients such as vitamins “K” and portions of the vitamin “B” complex.
What is the purpose of having a colonic?
Waste material – especially that which has remained in the colon for some time, (i.e. impacted faeces, dead cellular tissue, accumulated mucus, parasites, worms, etc.) – poses several problems.
This material is quite toxic, and these poisons can re-enter and circulate in the bloodstream, making us feel ill, tired or weak. Impacted materials also impair the colon’s ability to assimilate minerals and the bacteria-produced vitamins.
A build-up of material on the colon wall can inhibit the colons’ muscular action, which can cause sluggish bowel movements, constipation, and other related disorders; meaning having a colonic can be extremely beneficial.
How can colon hydrotherapy help my digestive health?
Colonic hydrotherapy or irrigation is a gentle internal bath using warm, purified water that can help to eliminate stored faecal matter, gas, mucus and toxic substances from the colon. The practice of colonics dates from around 1500 B.C. It can help to tone, exercise and reshape the colon, but colonics treatments also have a much broader effect. Additional benefits can often be observed throughout the body in the form of clearer skin, more energy and mental clarity, fewer headaches, improvement in circulatory, immune and weight problems and many other positive side effects.
Many other alternative therapists including homeopaths, acupuncturists, herbalists, refer clients to colonic practitioners, because by the detoxifying effect of colonics, their therapies tend to be more efficacious.
Can colonic irrigation help constipation?
Yes, research has shown that colonic irrigation can help chronic constipation. By cleansing a large portion of the bowel, it can also help to prevent the possibility of future constipation, in addition to improving your body’s absorption of both water and nutrients.
Colonic irrigation and IBS: does it help?
While there is no definitive research that proves whether or not colonic hydrotherapy helps IBS; it can relieve symptoms such as bloating, gas, constipation and fatigue – symptoms people living with IBS typically suffer from.
Does colonic irrigation get rid of worms?
Threadworms, tapeworms and ascaris can all live inside your intestines and colon. By removing blockages from your colon, it can release worms if you suffer from them. However, it’s important to remember that this isn’t always the case.
Symptoms of worms include cramps, dizziness, diarrhea and weight loss. If you think you might have worms, please visit your doctor.
Does colonic irrigation make you lose weight?
There is a strong correlation between colonic irrigation and weight loss. A human being can hold up to eight meals before digestion begins, so a colon cleanse can help you to lose weight and kick-start your metabolism. Some of my clients have lost 1-2lbs after a colonic, whereas others have lost between 6-7lbs.
Colon hydrotherapy can also give you a flatter stomach, as it essentially cleanses the undigested food from your system.
Just bear in mind that the weight you lose will be from waste only, not fat or cellulite. By eating less, increasing your fibre intake, and moving and exercising more, you will achieve a more permanent weight loss. However, to keep off the weight after a colon cleanse, you need to have a healthy diet.
Can you have a colonic irrigation when pregnant?
Yes you can have a colonic irrigation when pregnant, but I would only recommend it if you’re between 3-6 months gone. The reason being, is that after 6 months, colonics could cause discomfort, and potentially even induce a premature labour. If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with me.
Does it hurt?
No the colonic irrigation procedure does not cause pain. At the start of the procedure, you may experience a strange sensation of wanting to go to the toilet, but most people get used to this feeling in the first few minutes, and even find the colonic treatment “unexpectedly relaxing and uplifting”.
What makes a colonic so special?
During a 45 minute session, around 60 litres of filtered water is used to gently flush your colon. Through appropriate use of massage and using pressure points, the colon therapist is able to work loose and eliminate far more toxic waste than any other short-term technique. Your therapist will take time to discuss with you any particular issues or problems you may have and give you information on any diet or lifestyle changes that may help you.
Is it embarrassing to have a colonic?
No, you will fully maintain your personal dignity. You will be in a private room with only your therapist, who fully appreciates the sensitivity of the colonic procedure and will help you feel at ease. Your emotions will be acknowledged and honoured. After the insertion of a small speculum, you are completely covered. Clear tubing carries clean water in and waste out, and because it is a fully closed system there is no odour or sound other than the sound of the water. Toilet and washing facilities are right next door to the colonic room and are for your exclusive use.
Is it safe?
Yes, the water is introduced at a low gentle pressure, so there is no danger of bowel perforation. There is less pressure against the bowel walls during a treatment than during a normal bowel movement. Disposable equipment is used to make it fully safe and hygienic treatment. Colonic hydrotherapy, unlike the use of laxatives, is not habit forming and actually improves the tone of the colon.
How long does a colonic take?
Probably 90% of all colonics take about 35- 45 minutes. It could also be shorter or longer than that, based upon the judgement of the therapist and sometimes, the wishes of the client. There will also be about 15 minutes required before the colonic for the therapist to go over your medical history, another 15 minutes should be allowed for changing. On a first colonic you should expect to spend about 1 1/4 hours at the centre.
Is there a special kind of water used for colonic hydrotherapy?
We use highly filtered, energised water, warmed to the correct temperature.
Will a colonic clear up my skin?
Your skin actually “breathes” and is an important organ of elimination of waste material. Sometimes, if the colon, liver or kidneys are functioning poorly, the skin will suffer. As elimination is accomplished through its proper channels, the skin will very often clear up.
What effect does colonic hydrotherapy have on our immune systems?
The removal of stagnant waste material could rejuvenate the immune tissue that resides in the intestines. Recent European studies speculate that 80% of immune tissue resides in the intestines. Although colon hydrotherapy is not a cure-all, it is an adjunctive therapy which may help in your overall health care.
What are the characteristics of a healthy, well functioning colon?
Healthy babies, animals and adults not subjected to the “refinements” of civilisation (i.e. aboriginal peoples) have bowel movements shortly after each meal is eaten. So, assuming there is sufficient fibre and water available to the colon, one characteristic is a bowel movement shortly after a meal is eaten. Once the urge to eliminate is honoured by a trip to the toilet, the elimination should be easy and take no more than a few seconds. The stool will be long, large in diameter, light brown in colour, without offensive odour and should float or sink very slowly. When the toilet is flushed, the stool immediately begins breaking apart by the action of water movement. As incredible as this may sound, it is true and commonly experienced in cultures where people live more naturally.
Is there anything I need to do prior to having a colonic?
It is a good idea not to eat a heavy meal in the couple of hours prior to having a colonic treatment. You don’t need to fast, just eat and drink lightly during the day for best results.
What can I expect afterwards?
Most likely, you’ll feel great. Probably you’ll feel lighter and enjoy a sense of well-being. Not infrequently, someone having their first colonic will remark that it was one of the most wonderful experiences of their life. As soon as the colonic is finished you can carry on with daily routine. For some, the colonic may trigger several subsequent bowel movements for the next few hours, but there won’t be any uncontrollable urgency or discomfort. It’s also possible you may feel light-headed or chilled for a few moments following a colonic.
If colonics are so good, why haven’t I heard about them before?
In a way, the answer to that is a commentary on our present day lifestyle. Historically, artefacts and records show that people have regularly purified their bodies, including cleansing the colon. Around the turn of the 20th century, the present-day colonic machine was developed, providing a significantly improved method of accomplishing colon cleansing. Up to the late 1920s, many doctors had colonic machines in their offices, and machines were found in hospitals as well. Articles dealing with colon health frequently appeared in prestigious medical and scientific journals until the early 1930’s. At that time modern man began a 50 year love affair with drugs and surgery. These seemed to offer relatively instant relief for body ailments, resulting in purification and prevention techniques becoming less attractive. Recently, however, there has been a resurgence of interest in using natural approaches for healing the body, and colonics have rapidly been regaining the respectability they have already earned.
Do I need to take probiotics after the treatment?
Your body will replace the friendly bacteria within 48hrs. The practitioner may introduce good bacteria at the end of the treatment or will sometimes recommend the taking of probiotic cultures and a diet which will encourage the friendly bacteria to multiply.
How will I know when the colon is empty?
It will probably never be completely empty, as it’s an organ in continuous use. As more of the old impacted material is released you will actually feel the water enter higher regions of the colon without any sense of obstruction. The objective should not be an empty colon, but rather a well functioning colon.
Will it be okay to eat after having a colonic?
If you’re wondering what to eat after a colonic, I’d suggest consuming a moderate amount of whatever seems gentle and nourishing to you.Steamed or cooked vegetables, salads, vegetable soups or broths, fruit, or juices are the best choice.
Can I have a colonic during my monthly periods?
Yes, it is not a problem to have a treatment during your period, just bring a spare tampon or towel to use following the treatment.
Find out more about my colonic treatments, or discover the other natural therapies I offer.
Alternatively, if you have any questions or would like to book an appointment, call today on 0161 624 1804 / 07837 855003