Special detox coffee colonic irrigation
The use of the coffee enema for detoxification purposes has been used by Naturopaths for many years, and was used in hospitals up until 1977. The liver filters the blood to clear it of toxins, but due to processed foods, alcohol and medication, the liver can become congested and the channels within it can become blocked. This can cause toxins to re-circulate in the body and impaired liver function, which can lead to weight gain, aches and pains, cellulite, headaches, hormone and skin problems and other health issues.
When properly administered, a coffee implant (using fresh, organic coffee) causes the liver to produce more bile and open the bile ducts. This enables the bile to quickly flow out of the liver.
The use of the coffee enema for detoxification purposes has been used by Naturopaths for many years, and was used in hospitals up until 1977. The liver filters the blood to clear it of toxins, but due to processed foods, alcohol and medication, the liver can become congested and the channels within it can become blocked. This can cause toxins to re-circulate in the body and impaired liver function, which can lead to weight gain, aches and pains, cellulite, headaches, hormone and skin problems and other health issues.
When properly administered, a coffee implant (using fresh, organic coffee) causes the liver to produce more bile and open the bile ducts. This enables the bile to quickly flow out of the liver.
During the coffee colonic hydrotherapy process, a toxic liver can dump many of its toxicants into the bile, getting rid of them in just a few minutes. This can give rapid relief to all parts of the body, and can easily make the difference between feeling so poorly you have to lie down, to feeling well enough to keep active.
There are many coffee colonic irrigation benefits, including quick relief from fatigue, pain, headaches and malaise that even pain medication can’t touch. Many of my patients also report an increased sense of well-being, and a better night’s sleep.
All prices for Special detox coffee colonic treatments and the other therapies I offer can be found here.
Find out more about my colonic treatments, or discover the other natural therapies I offer.
Alternatively, if you have any questions or would like to book an appointment, call today on 0161 624 1804 / 07837 855003