Part of a range of regenerative radio frequency treatment, Indiba is used for a wide range of therapeutic applications, and is one of the treatments I offer at Colonics Detox.
What is an Indiba treatment?
Indiba treatment is non-invasive and it can show notable results from the first session. By using cutting-edge medical technology, it uses high frequency currents to raise the internal temperature of human tissue.
Indiba therapy will provide your body with more energy, whilst optimising your ionic exchange to balance the electric potential of your tissue.
Your skin is affected by gravity, with wrinkles naturally appearing due to ageing. You may also start to see undesired fat including cellulite and adiposity on your body. If this is the case, Indiba treatment can help with this.
With regular treatments, it’s particularly effective at treating the following:
- Ageing or sagging skin
- Expression lines
- Stretch marks
- Under-eye bags and dark circles
- Double chins
- Cellulite
- Varicose veins
- Tired legs
- Firms buttocks
Having been clinically assessed in various medical centres, the outcome has been very positive from patients. On average, regular treatments have resulted in an 82% in cellulite reduction, 87% in skin tightening, 90% in body shaping, and 95% in pre and post-surgery.
Does Indiba really work?
If you’re questioning whether Indiba works, then the answer is yes! By safely and gradually increasing the temperature of parts of your body, it enables the correct movement of ions through the cell membrane, which increases circulation and encourages the production of collagen.
The Indiba treatment process
When you come to me for Indiba therapy, there will be two operating modes of the proionic radio frequency that I will use:
Capacitive (CAP): This focuses on superficial soft tissue in your body; and is most suited for surface and vascularised tissue.
Resistive (RES): This is more suited for fat, thick and fibrotic tissue.
I will apply a cream to your skin, and smooth an electrode over the lymphatic draining points on the section(s) of your body being treated.
Firstly, I’ll use the capacitive mode to clear any toxic waste from your system, before switching to resistive frequency, to treat the lower levels of your skin to keep it tightened.
Whilst benefits can often be seen from the first Indiba treatment, you may find it beneficial to have several treatments – and we can discuss this at the beginning of your treatment. I would recommend having a follow up treatment within 3-4 weeks of your first one, followed by a maintenance treatment every 4-6 weeks.
Am I able to undergo Indiba treatment?
Not everyone is able to undergo indiba therapy – for example, if you’re pregnant, or have an electronic implant such as a pacemaker.
I’m also unable to offer you the treatment if your selected body area has an open wound or any burns; or if you have a prosthesis such as a hip or knee replacement.
If you’ve had Botox, you can have Indiba treatments, but it must take place at least 21 days after you it’s been injected.
Cost of Indiba therapy
For a one-off Indiba treatment, I charge £60 for one area, or £85 for two areas. Alternatively, you can book six treatments at £300 for one area, or £425 for two areas. You can find out more about my prices here.
If you’d like to book an appointment, get in touch with me today, or alternatively, take a look at the other therapies I offer.
Find out more about my colonic treatments, or discover the other natural therapies I offer.
Alternatively, if you have any questions or would like to book an appointment, call today on 0161 624 1804 / 07837 855003